Mathematical-Physical Colloquium in Summer Semester 2024

The colloquium takes place on Tuesdays from 16:30 to 17:30 in lecture hall B302 (in the main building Welfenschloss, Welfengarten 1). Before the lectures of external guests, there is usually the possibility for an exchange in front of the lecture hall from about 16:00.

For any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Ulrich Derenthal.


17.04.24 (Wednesday, 16:15, Pferdestall, Appelstr. 7)
Robert Raußendorf (LUH)

Foundations of quantum computation: fault-tolerance, resources and algorithms
Inaugural Lecture

Alexander Strohmaier (LUH)

Spectral Geometry in Mathematics and Physics
Inaugural Lecture

Alden Waters (LUH)
Scattering Theory for Maxwell's equations
Inaugural Lecture as part of the Habilitation