Mathematical-Physical Colloquium in Winter Semester 2024/2025

The colloquium takes place on Tuesdays from 16:30 to 17:30 in lecture hall B302 (in the main building Welfenschloss, Welfengarten 1). Before the lectures of external guests, there is usually the possibility for an exchange in front of the lecture hall from about 16:00.

For any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Ulrich Derenthal.


Guido Müller (Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik / LUH)

The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA)
Inaugural Lecture

Michael Zopf (LUH)

Quantum Photonics with Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Inaugural Lecture

Charlotte Wahl (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek)

Hatte Leibniz das Prinzip der kleinsten Wirkung?
Neues zu einer Detektivgeschichte um einen umstrittenen Leibnizbrief

Dietmar Kracht (Laser Zentrum Hannover / LUH)

Laser für Erde, Mond und Mars
Inaugural Lecture

Marco Meyer (LUH)

Bootstrap-Verfahren für abhängige Daten
Inaugural Lecture as part of the Habilitation