Leibniz Universität Hannover
Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik
Appelstraße 11A
30167 Hannover

Dean's Office

30167 Hannover

Dean of Studies Office

30167 Hannover

Office for PhD and Habilitation

30167 Hannover

Web Administrator
How to reach us
Public Transportation
From the main railway station walk 250m via Ernst-August-Platz to the underground station Kröpcke, or take the city train line 1 (direction Laatzen/Sarstedt), 2 (direction Rethen), 3 or 7 (direction Wettbergen) or line 9 (direction Empelde) for one stop. From Kröpcke you can take line 4 (direction Garbsen) or 5 (direction Stöcken) to the station Schneiderberg/Wilhelm-Busch-Museum. Walk for 5 minutes along the street Schneiderberg to the junction with Appelstraße, and turn left. The Dean's office is on the first floor of Appelstr. 11A.
By Car
Arrival by car is described in detail on the website of Leibniz Universität Hannover. From the main building of the university you can reach the Dean´s Office by following Nienburger Straße in the direction of Herrenhausen to the junction with Schneiderberg. Follow this street to the junction with Appelstraße and turn left. The Dean´s Office is on the first floor of Appelstraße 11A. Parking is available in the area.