Registration of theses
You can generally register for your thesis by e-mail. Please make sure that the start of your processing time is recorded. Send the application confirmed by the examiner with the issued topic to the responsible person in the Academic Examinations Office (Mr Flenner <pruefungsamt@maphy.uni-hannover.de>) by email as a pdf attachment and by post.
Extension of the submission deadlines
In individual cases where there is particular hardship, e.g. due to lack of access to laboratories or libraries, individual applications with longer deadlines can be submitted to the responsible examination board.
Submission of theses (valid from 1.12.2023)
Final theses must be sent by e-mail to all examiners and simultaneously to the Office of the Dean of Studies as follows:
Bachelor and Master thesis Mathematics | studiensekretariat@maphy.uni-hannover.de |
Bachelor and Master thesis Physics | studiensekretariat@maphy.uni-hannover.de |
Bachelor and Master thesis Meteorology | studiensekretariat@maphy.uni-hannover.de |
The date of the e-mail is the date of submission of the thesis. The e-mail must include the student's matriculation number and degree programme. The declaration of independent work must be (digitally) signed. Before sending, all attached files must be checked for viruses. The mail must be sent via an e-mail address assigned by LUH (@stud.uni-hannover.de or institute e-mail address).
If the thesis is too large to be sent by e-mail, please send an e-mail to the Dean of Studies Office. You will then receive a link to upload the thesis.
The Office of the Dean of Studies will no longer receive a bound copy of the thesis. Please submit the printed version of your thesis to your examiners with prior arrangement with them.
Information for teaching degree programmes:
This page only refers to the degree programmes Mathematics, Meteorology, Physics. The regulations stipulated by the Leibniz School of Education apply to degree programmes leading to a teaching degree.