Faculty Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

The Faculty Council decides on the use of faculty recources (financial and material resources, staff, rooms etc.) and on fundamental issues concerning the research and teaching of the faculty.

Dates of Meetings of the Faculty Council

Summer semester 2025:

  • 30 April 2025
  • 28 May 2025
  • 18 June 2025
  • 13 August 2025 (Sondersitzung)

Winter semester 2025/26

  • 22 October 2025
  • 19 November 2025
  • 07 January 2026

Time & Place

2:15 pm

Appelstraße 11A, 30167 Hannover


The Faculty Council consists of 13 members, which are elected directly by status group. It is chaired by the Dean, who is not, however, entitled to vote. Members of the Dean's Office and the Decentralised Equal Opportunities Officer take part in the meetings of the Faculty Council in an advisory capacity.

Faculty Council, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Representatives for professors

Prof. Dr. Roger Bielawski
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Derenthal
Prof. Dr. Rolf Haug
Prof. Dr. Luis Santos
Prof. Dr. Clemens Walther
Prof. Dr. Thomas Wick

Deputy Representatives for Professors

Prof. Dr. Michael Cuntz
Prof. Dr. Ilja Gerhardt
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hochmuth
Prof. Dr. Silke Ospelkaus-Schwarzer
Prof. Dr. Gunther Seckmeyer
Prof. Dr. Christoph Walker
Prof. Dr. Annika Wille

Student Representatives

Leonard Volker Heintze

Representatives for Research Staff

PD Dr. Michael J. Gruber

Deputy Representatives for Research Staff

Flavio Angeloni
M. Sc. Maren Hoberg
Dr. Kai-Martin Knaak
Dr. Florian Leydecker

Representatives for Technical and Administrative Staff

Dr. Sebastian Dikty
Madeleine-Yasmin Miltsch

Deputy Representatives for Technical and Administrative Staff

Dipl.-Geophys. Holger Schilke