Master of Science in Physics

Optical table in the Quantum Control Laboratory (Picture: M. Wimmer) Optical table in the Quantum Control Laboratory (Picture: M. Wimmer) Optical table in the Quantum Control Laboratory (Picture: M. Wimmer)
Optical table in the Quantum Control Laboratory (Picture: M. Wimmer)

Welcome Studying Physics in Hannover!

We offer you an English-speaking master's degree with excellent research possibilities in one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. The main research topics of our researchers are:

  • Gravitational physics
  • Quantum optics
  • Solid state physics

Lectures in these fields are the basis of your Master study. In the further course, you are advised to specialize in one of these areas to gain access to the cutting edge of modern research. This is supplemented by a one-year research phase, where students will be guided into independent scientific work.

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Key Data

Key Data

winter- or summer semester

4 Semesters

Application Deadline for Germany and EU countries

15th July for winter semester
15th January for summer semester

Application Deadline for Non-EU countries

31th May          for winter semester
30th November for summer semester

  • Educational Organisation

    Two years (4 semesters) are planned for the master's degree in physics. The time required for the programme is calculated by 120 ECTS-credit points (CP) of 30 hours each. The educational programme is divided into modules. It can therefore include more than one course and extend over more than one semester. To earn the master's degree, students must complete all required modules.

    The master programme is divided into a one-year specialization phase and a one-year research phase. In the first year students acquire the basic knowledge and skills which are necessary for independent research work in physics as well as advanced knowledge in the major research fields of our faculty.

    Semester Mandatory Module Optional Compulsory Module

    Compulsory Option

    1 and 2

    Seminar (3 CP)

    Key Competences
    (4 CP*)

    Lecture from the Course Catalogue (27 CP*)
    Possible: Included industrial internship

    Advanced Studies Modules
    (2 from 4, each 5 CP)

    • Advanced Solid State Physics
    • Advanced Gravitational Physics
    • Quantum Optics
    • Quantum Field Theory


    • Cheminstry
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Informatics
    • Business Administration
    • Engineering
    (one field, 16 CP)

    Research Phase

    • Research Internship (15 CP)
    • Project Planning (15 CP)
    4 Master Thesis Project (30 CP)

    *English-speaking students earn 10 CP in key competences by studying German in language courses. Consequently, the number of CP needed to complete the optinal compulsory module changes to 21 CP.

    The official Examination Regulations list the required modules, their coursework, the form of examinations, and the possible elective courses. Besides the writing of a master thesis, the forms of assessment are oral and written examinations as well as oral presentations (seminars).


  • Motivation, Course Objectives and Aims


    Around 50 Masters of Science in Physics are awarded every year. Naturally, a large fraction of physicists work in basic and applied research in university or industrial laboratories. Due to their diverse and flexible skills, however, they are often active in areas for which they were not trained directly while studying. More generally, physicists can be found in any occupation where flexible creative problem solvers are required to treat complex problems as well as in responsible positions in the government and the civil society.

    Course Objectives

    Experimental: The ability to design appropriate and possible meaningful experiments, and then to interpret the observations and measurement results on the basis of comprehensive and broad applicable knowledge.

    Theoretical field: The abstract and mathematical analysis of observed physical properties as well as the development of numerical models and numerical methods on different levels of abstraction.

    Skills: Interdisciplinary key competences acquired the precise representation and presentation of structured problem solving and efficient project management and collaboration in international teams.

    Description of Content

    The Master of Science in Physics is awarded after the completion of a research-oriented study programme, which introduces students to the frontier of research in physics. The main goal of this program is to develop the ability to work efficiently and independently at the forefront of research and technology development in the academic world and the business sector. This requires both an introduction to the general practice of scientific work and a professional specialization in a field of physics.

  • Cutting-Edge Research in the Physical Institutes

    Institute of Gravitational Physics

    In Hannover the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) closely collaborates with the Institute for Gravitational Physics at Leibniz Universität Hannover. Their research encompasses key areas of gravitational-wave astronomy such as the development and operation of groundbased and spaceborne detectors and data analysis on powerful computer clusters. The institute plays an internationally leading role in all of these fields.

    Institute of Quantum Optics

    The research topics are covering a broad spectrum applied and fundamental research, including: atom optics, ultrafast laser optics, ultra-cold quantum gases, applied laser physics in medical science and biology and optical clocks. The Institute of Quantum Optics closely cooperates with the Laser Zentrum Hannover and with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig.

    Institute of Solid State Physics

    A broad field of solid state physics characterizes the institute's outstanding research aims. The focus ranges from the fundamental research of nanostructures and new low-dimensional materials by means of optical spectroscopy, quantum optical methods and electronic quantum transport via entangled conditions, Quantum standards and molecular and spin electronics up to applied energy research, which is advanced in close collaboration with the Institute of Solar Energy Research Hameln.

    Institute of Radiotechnology and Radiation Protection

    The Institute works on detection and speciation of radionuclides in the environment, dose assessment due to anthropogenic and natural radioactivity, topics in the framework of nuclear waste disposal and radiation protection issues. There are regular training courses on radiation protection. The researchers of the institute are actively involved in the processing of reactor accidents in Chernobyl and Fukushima.

    Institute of Theoretical Physics

    Am Institut für Theoretische Physik wird ein breites Spektrum der modernen theoretischen Physik untersucht: Die Theorie der kondensierten Materie mit den Methoden der Statistischen Physik, Quantenfeldtheorie und Computerphysik; die Stringtheorie mit der Quantentheorie der Gravitation; in der Quantenoptik werden zeitabhängige Phänomene in Atomen und Molekülen und ultrakalte Gase erforscht; in der Quanteninformation werden Festkörperphysik und Quantenfeldtheorie zusammengebracht. 

    PhD Programmes

    • General Information about PhD programmes in the faculty
    • You have specific questions about doctoral thesis or about the programmes? Please contact directly the Professors of the concerned Institutes.
  • Job Market Perspectives

    Physicists are very flexible in profession and sectors. They often work transdisciplinarily at the interfaces between technical and scientific professions. Almost every second physicist works in an engineering profession or other technical-scientific expert profession, especially in highly qualified IT professions such as the programming of complex test software.

    Another popular field are economics expert professions, for example in research or risk controlling or in the development of derivatives in banks and insurance companies. Nearly the same number of physicists work in the civil service: for example, as a teacher or as a scientific assistant or professor at the university.

    Trained physicists are highly flexible in their job. They also work in expert occupations, including medical professions, association officials, technical writers or politicians. If a profession does not necessarily require an academic degree, physicists also assert themselves in the labour market.

    Depending on: Studie "Physikerinnen und Physiker im Beruf"; Anschlussstudie für die Jahre 2005 bis 2013; im Auftrag der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.V.; durchgeführt vom Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln

  • Hannover - student-friendly, green, save

    Living in Hannover in key points:

    • Capital of Lower Saxony: Over 500 000 inhabitants
    • Trade fair city: Industry and university are closely linked
      Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge, Continental, Nord/LB, TUI, Talanx
    • Short ways: Ideal connections to Berlin, Hamburg, Göttingen with train, bus or car
      Semesterticket: Travelling for free between mountains and sea
    • The 'green' city: Many Parks - Herrenhäuser Gärten, Maschsee, Eilenriede
    • Living Costs: Advantageous prices - Example Calculation of the Studentenwerk
    • Variety of leisure activities: Sports at University, Football, watersports, cycling

    For your first look around you can use the famous do-it-yourself tour called Roten Faden. All you have to do is to follow this 4 km red painted line along the sidewalks around the city centre and get first impressions of Hannover's main highlights.

    Leibniz Universität Hannover

    Founded in 1831, the Higher Trade School of Hannover started with only 64 students. Today, 28 000 students are enrolled at Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH). It is an international university with currently more than 4 500 international students and about 400 partner universities worldwide. LUH is a member of TU9, the nine outstanding German universities with an excellent spectrum of engineering, technology and science in teaching and research.

    LUH is named after the universal scholar and scientist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1664-1716) who lived and worked in Hannover.

  • Arrival Support

    The programme of the Study Guides is directed towards the internationals of our faculty to make the start of studies in Germany easier and to help with emerging difficulties. The group of experienced students is on hand with help and advice, i.e. the start of planning your studies.

    The International Office offers a variety of services and support for international students. It helps finding students a suitable accomodation, offers a pick up service from the airport or railway station, provides newly arrived students with a study-buddy, and helps them to deal with administrative issues. Moreover, it organises an orientation week at the beginning of each semester:

    Every semester the International Office organizes a variety of events, workshops, and trips especially for international students. They range from cultural, political or historical topics to BBQ or paddling:

  • Finance and Costs

    You do not have to pay tuition fees. Unless otherwise noted by the faculty, on enrolment, students have to pay an administrative fee incl. semester ticket (free public transport for six months in Hannover, and on local trains within Lower Saxony).

    The International Office informs you about the costs which you will have to consider for your studies in Germany; various sponsorship offers like scholarships, BafoeG (student loans) and assistance in financial distress; student discounts, as well as valuable information about student jobs.

    Financing Possibilities

    The following links provide information about possibilities for financial aid:

  • Application

    You can begin studying the Master of Physics programme in winter and summer semester.


    • Bachelor or equivalent degree in physics or in technical suitable studies.
    • German or English language skills at B2 level.
    • Application for Master studies is possible if 150 credit points of the necessary achievements are passed and if it can be expected that the bachelor's or equivalent degree be obtained by the end of the first master's semester.
    • Please note: Further Information for internationals

    Deadlines for applications:

    • 15th January for summer semester
    • 15th July for winter semester
    • Late Enrolment through a lottery procedure

    Direct Link to Your Application

    Further Information

Pay attention to the admission regulations for the master's programmes
Overview of the content to be taught and competencies in each subject


  • Physiker im Labor am Optischen Tisch

    Physiker im Labor am Optischen Tisch

  • Hauptgebäude der Leibniz Universität Hannover im Georgengarten © Ventsislav Stanchev

    Hauptgebäude der Leibniz Universität Hannover im Georgengarten

  • Neues Rathaus von Hannover © HMTG

    Neues Rathaus von Hannover

  • Portfolio über den Master Studiengang Physik in Hannover

    Portfolio über den Master Studiengang Physik in Hannover

  • Fitnessstudio des Hochschulsports Hannover © ZfH

    Fitnessstudio des Hochschulsports Hannover

  • Außenbereich auf dem Hochschulsport Campus © ZfH

    Außenbereich auf dem Hochschulsport Campus © ZfH

Contact Person

Dipl.-Ing. Axel Köhler
Programme Coordinator
Appelstraße 11/11a
30167 Hannover
Appelstraße 11/11a
30167 Hannover